Saturday, October 9, 2010

I love my Jasper sofa from Room & Board...

... but it's been through a rough life.  I bought it used off Craigslist in 2006, moved it four different times, and forced it to seat myself, my cats, my dogs, and (now) my husband.  It could use a little love.

But I wasn't about to spend $400 on white linen covers from Room & Board. Nope.  Not in this household.  They'd last maybe a day before a dog claw poked a hole in the weave, a cat puke made its mark or a human left a dirty footprint.

So I made one.  Or three, actually.  This is the third incarnation of the Jasper slipcover.  The first was made of upholstery material - and thus didn't launder well.  The second was made of outdoor-grade canvas and held up pretty well, but got a little worn after a year or use.  I have high hopes for this one, though. This one is made of 100% cotton canvas, fits over the base cushions (to keep dogs from stashing bones under the cushions) and can handle hundreds of washings.  The back cushions get their own zippered covers.  All seams are serged to prevent raveling.

Want one?  Three hundred bucks and it's yours; I'll pay shipping.  Prefer a different fabric?  No problem.  I'll source it for a 10% markup.  Have your heart set on something with a nap (that means it has a direction, like corduroy or some prints)?  You've got it, but I'll add $50 for the frustration factor.  Drop me a line at